Marsha Kotlyar Estate Group  |  License #01426886  |  805-565-4014  |  Instagram Youtube

Thomas Fire & Mudflow: January 9th, 2018

January 21st, 2018



We would like to acknowledge the recent events our town has endured thank everyone dedicating countless hours toward restoring peace, as well as offer our deepest condolences to those suffering losses. Despite many of the videos and photos you’ve seen on the news, the majority of Montecito’s natural beauty remains in tact. With about 4,100 residences in Montecito, approximately 90% of the homes were not damaged or destroyed during the recent Thomas fire and mud and debris flow. We believe the majority can be and will be rebuilt. Although we are deeply saddened by the devastating events, the culture and community has never been stronger and we share in the collective commitment to rebuild our wonderful town we all so love and thrive in. Montecito residents can chose to live anywhere in the world and they will still chose to live here.

The businesses in the Upper Village have really suffered during the recent events, and have lost as much as forty percent of their annual revenue during closures over the holidays.

2:00 to 4:00 pm: Face Painting, Station for Writing Thank You Cards for Firefighters and Rescue Workers in the grassy circle in front of Tecolote Bookstore.

3:30 to 6:00 pm: Music located near Pan e Vino; bands include Bryan Titus Trio, Paradise Kings, Tina Schlieske & the Graceland Exiles. There will also be a DJ spinning tunes in front of Village Wine & Cheese. Dan & the Dairy Queens with Leslie Lembo will be performing in the courtyard by Pierre La Fond & Wine Bistro



Federal disaster relief money has been approved for those affected in Montecito to help offset emergency response and recovery costs.

Application can be made online at, by phone 800-621-3362 or 800-462-7585

FEMA National Hazard Flood Map


A new debris flow map has been implemented to show the "extreme risk" and "high risk" areas for future storms. View debris flow map here

SB County Planning & Development Interactive Map

Below is some information regarding disaster relief tax program:

Application for Reassessment of Property Damage

Claim for Intracounty Transfer of Base Year Value to Replacement Property


The SBAOR (Association of Realtors) has been doing research regarding insurance. We've been very concerned that the Firefighters did a great job to save homes (which had fire insurance) only to have them wiped out by a mudflow and not covered unless the owner had flood insurance. We want to make sure that NO homeowner loses everything. We have been in conversation with many insurers and it appears that most will recognized the cause of the damage to be “fire,” and therefore cover the claims.

For the past four decades, Ray Bouhris has made a distinguished career by holding insurance companies accountable for denying, “low-balling” and defrauding people in times of crisis. He has been regarded as a national expert on insurance bad faith, appearing on 60 Minutes and in various publications throughout the country. Now, his expertise lends itself to his own needs as a victim, but more importantly, it allows him to give back to his community by assisting neighbors as they navigate complex insurance issues. To contact Ray Bouhris 415-407-2162

Top 10 Things Your Insurance Company May Not Want You To Know


The first responders, construction workers and utility companies have been working around the clock. Below are a few helpful tools to stay up to date.

SB County Planning & Development Interactive Map


Click on the link below to find available housing for those still displaced.

Santa Barbara Furnished Rentals




The Thomas Fire Fund organized by the United Way has expanded to also provide relief for victims of the deadly mudslides that occurred in Montecito.

United Way's #ThomasFireFund campaign has been renamed #FireandFloodFund. 100 percent of funds sent to United Way will go to the victims of the two disasters. Anyone interested in donating to the Fire And Flood Fund should visit the fund's website or by texting UWVC to 41444.


The Red Cross is accepting monetary donations at or text "redcross" to 90999


Direct Relief has purchased water rescue gear, search and rescue gear and an all terrain vehicle to assist with recovery efforts.

Direct Relief is based out of Santa Barbara County and has responded to hundreds of humanitarian emergencies across the globe. To donate, click here.


New Life Church in Santa Barbara has set up an easy way to donate towards disaster relief efforts on their website. Click here to go directly to the donation page. Type in the amount of money you would like to donate and select "SB Mudslides Assistance" from the drop-down menu.


At Ease USA supports active military, veterans and their families and loved ones with confidential, research-supported, cost-effective treatment for post-traumatic stress (PTSD) and related disorders. Donate


The Santa Barbara Foundation is dedicated to supporting the organizations that are standing by you and assisting you and your families, neighbors and friends during this difficult time. We have worked together for ten years through the Aware & Prepare Initiative to build preparedness and capacity to better respond and recover from these disasters, and we will continue to invest in making sure that our communities remain vigilant. Please join us to support these agencies in recovery efforts by contributing to the Community Disaster Relief Fund.


A Celebration of First Responders!

On Sunday, February 25, 2018, Santa Barbara will have the opportunity to say "thank you" to our heroic First Responders with a massive celebration planned in their honor. "Kick Ash Bash" will be a family-friendly event that is part music festival, part fair, and 100% about the men and women of our Fire, Police, Sheriff, and CHP.


Local community members and organizations are coming together to produce the Thomas Fire Benefit Festival to be held on February 3rd at Plaza Park in Downtown Ventura. The goal of this benefit is to raise funds to assist deserving fire victims as quickly and directly as possible and help Ventura County recover from this historic travesty.

100% of proceeds from the Thomas Fire Benefit Festival will be put toward recovery.


Katherine Cichy from GoFundMe compiled a list of campaigns that have been created to help those impacted by the devastation in Montecito. They are:

  1. For the family of Martín Cabrera Munoz who was one of the victims:
  2. Benitez Family Relief:
  3. For the McManigal family who lost their father:
  4. The Sutthithepa family:
  5. For the Cantin family - their 14-year-old daughter Lauren was the young woman who was rescued from the mud by firefighters:
  6. The Morgan, Sawyer and Summer Corey Fund:
  7. For the owner of the Rose Cafe who lost his partner Peter Fleurat:

women showcasing "Montecito Strong" tshirts


A BIG thanks to the Easter Team at Berkshire Hathaway, Pedro De La Cruz and Martin Design Company! Montecito Strong shirts are sold at the Berkshire Hathaway office 3868 State Street $39 each, 100% of proceeds go to a cause of your choice! 1) 93108 Fund- The fund benefits those who depend upon jobs and services provided to our community and who will suffer from immediate loss of wages and livelihood. 2) Santa Barbara Support Network-Offers to support the immediate needs of families impacted by the recent mudslides, who have lost homes, loved ones and belongs. 3) Go Fund Me- Choice of any of the Go Fund Me support pages.

Many brand companies are donating 100% of their proceeds to United Way SB. Visit their online stores at Bonfire to shop for a cause!

Handlebar Coffee Roasters of Santa Barbara are honored to help those affected and help rebuild with jeans, shirts, jackets, socks, underwear, and backpacks for men women and kids.


Local Business on Coast Village Road are suffering due to the evacuation orders that were in place much of December and January. Please support them at their online stores or visit their temporary locations during the road closure.

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